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Laboratoire Collisions Agrégats Réactivité - UMR5589
Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier - Bat. 3R4 - 118 route de Narbonne - 31062 Toulouse Cedex 09 - France
Notre laboratoire
Une brève histoire du LCAR
Nos thèmes scientifiques
Égalité professionelle femmes/hommes
Équipe Agrégats
Équipe Atomes Froids
Équipe Femto
Équipe Interactions Ions-Matière
Équipe Interférométrie
Équipe Théorie
Opération Nanopinces
Opération Nanocosmos
Science pour tous
Vie et organisation du laboratoire
Déplacements et missions
Nouvel arrivant
Congés et Compte épargne temps
Hygiène et Sécurité
Documentation Atelier électronique
Annuaire du laboratoire
Publications dans des revues à comité de lecture
Publications par année
Thèses et HDR
Publications par année
Année 2002
Cold collisions of electrons with molecules
Publications par année
Année 2000
Année 2001
Année 2002
Année 2003
Année 2004
Année 2005
Année 2006
Année 2007
Année 2008
Année 2009
Année 2010
Année 2011
Année 2012
Année 2013
Année 2014
Année 2015
Année 2016
Année 2017
Année 2018
Année 2019
Année 2020
Année 2002
Abstraction of D chemisorbed on graphite (0001) with gaseous H atom
An undulator based spherical grating monochromator beamline for low energy electron-molecule scattering experiments
Atomic diffraction from nanostructural optical potentials
Cold collisions of electrons with molecules
Comments on Experimental study of single- and double-electron transfer in slowNe8++He collisions using photon and electron spectroscopy
Compensation of electron wave packet spreading with linearly chirped pulses : theoretical analysis
Computation of the phase induced by non-Newtonian gravitational potentials in atom interferometry
Designing experiments for the study of atom diffraction from nanostructured optical potentials
Dynamics and Interference of fine-structure wave packets created by strong ultrashort pulses
Dynamique et interférences de paquets d’ondes dans les alcalins
Efficient Eley-Rideal reactions of H atoms with single Cl adsorbates on Au(111)
Electric dipole moments and polarizabilities of single excess electron sodium fluoride clusters : Experiment and theory.
Electronic and vibrational predissociation in ArI2 photodissociation dynamics
Giant resonances in cold electron scattering by CS2
High contrast Mach-Zehnder lithium atom interferometer in the Bragg regime
Image potential effect on the specular reflection coefficient of alkali ions scattered from a nickel surface at low energy
Interferences of ultrashort free electron wave packets
Merged beam study of the associative ionisation (C+, N+ and O+) + O-
Merged beam study of the associative ionisation O-+D+/O++D- and C++D-
Molecular dynamics simulation of the I2(X)...Ar isomers population in a free jet expansion : thermodynamics versus kinetic control
Optimization of a Langmuir-Taylor detector for lithium
Phase Control of Dispersion Effects for an Ultrashort Pulse-train Propagating in a Resonant Medium
Polarization state of the optical near field
Polarization-Dependent Spectra in the Photoassociative Ionization of Cold Atoms in a Bright Sodium Beam
Polyatomic molecules in strong laser fields : Nonadiabatic multielectron dynamics
Quantum hopping techniques applied to vibrational energy transfer
Quantum mechanical studies of helium atoms scattering from isolated CO molecules on metal surfaces
Quantum studies of Eley-Rideal reactions between H atoms on a graphite surface
Quantum-classical description of rotational diffractive scattering using Bohmian trajectories : Comparison with full quantum wave packet results
Quantum-classical dynamics including continuum states using Bohmian trajectories
Realization of a Time-Domain Fresnel Lens with Coherent Control
Relative cross sections for the Electron Impact Single Detachment on Li-
Rovibrational preexcitation in the photodesorption of CO from Cr2O3
Six-dimensional quantum and classical dynamics study of H2(n=0,J=0) from Pd(111)
Six-dimensional quantum dynamics of scattering of (v=0,j=0) H2 and D2 from Cu(111) : test of two LEPS potential energy surfaces
State resolved ArHBr photodissociation quantum dynamics
The three-grating Mach-Zehnder optical interferometer : a tutorial approach using particle optics
Time-resolved photoelecton spectroscopy of molecular dissociation : Classical trajectory versus quantum wave packet calculations
Vector correlations and alignment parameters in the photodissociation of HF and DF
Vibrational and Electronic Properties of acetylene, ethynyl and dicarbon chemisorbed on copper
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