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Laboratoire Collisions Agrégats Réactivité - UMR5589
Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier - Bat. 3R4 - 118 route de Narbonne - 31062 Toulouse Cedex 09 - France
Notre laboratoire
Une brève histoire du LCAR
Nos thèmes scientifiques
Égalité professionelle femmes/hommes
Équipe Agrégats
Équipe Atomes Froids
Équipe Femto
Équipe Interactions Ions-Matière (I²M)
Équipe Interférométrie
Équipe Théorie
Opération Nanopinces
Opération Nanocosmos
Science pour tous
Vie et organisation du laboratoire
Déplacements et missions
Nouvel arrivant
Congés et Compte épargne temps
Hygiène et Sécurité
Documentation Atelier électronique
Annuaire du laboratoire
Publications dans des revues à comité de lecture
Publications par année
Thèses et HDR
Publications par année
Année 2004
Hybrid quantum/classical dynamics using Bohmian trajectories
Publications par année
Année 2000
Année 2001
Année 2002
Année 2003
Année 2004
Année 2005
Année 2006
Année 2007
Année 2008
Année 2009
Année 2010
Année 2011
Année 2012
Année 2013
Année 2014
Année 2015
Année 2016
Année 2017
Année 2018
Année 2019
Année 2020
Année 2004
A new phase and amplitude high resolution pulse shaper
Abstraction and insertion mechanisms in reactive collisions between H2+ or D2+ and O-
Addressing and imaging microring resonators with optical evanescent light
Adiabatic excitation of rotational ladder by chirped laser pulses
Anomalous cooling of the parallel velocity in seeded beams
Asymmetric fission and evaporation of C60 q+ (q=2-4) fullerene ions in ion - C60 collisions. I- Present proton results
Asymmetric fission and evaporation of C60q+ (q=2-4) fullerene ions in ion - C60 collisions. II- Dependent on collisional processes
Beam-loss spectroscopy of Cold Collisions in a Bright Sodium Beam
Coherent transients as a highly sensitive probe for femtosecond pulse shaper
Cold electron scattering in SF6 and C6F6 : bound and virtual state channels
Collision quenching of antiprotonic helium atoms in gaseous helium
Decay and dephasing of the Cu(100) image states induced by Cu adatoms
Effect of a transient light shift on the propagation of an ultrashort pulse in a resonant atomic medium
Electron capture, ionization and fragmentation in collisions of singly-charged ions with C60
Femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy of I2 in a dense rare gas environment : A theoretical study based on the MQCB method
Fractional Revivals in the r
-vibrational motion of I2
Fragmentation of highly excited small neutral carbon clusters
Frustrated energy transport through micro—waveguides decorated by gold nanoparticle chains
Hybrid quantum/classical dynamics using Bohmian trajectories
Inelastic scattering and local heating in atomic gold wires
Isotopic effects in the muon transfer from pμ and dμ to heavier atoms
Mixed Quantum-classical treatment of vibrational decoherence
Mode excitation induced by the scanning tunneling microscope
Mode-specific strategy for controlling a single-molecule reaction
Modelling resonant coupling between microring resonators addressed by optical evanescent waves
Non-zero total angular momentum three-body dynamics using hyperspherical elliptic coordinates. Application to muon transfer from muonic hydrogen to atomic oxygen and neon
Observation of an excited C42- ion
Performance and application of a symmetry adapted pseudo spectral method for scattering of a diatomic molecule from a square surface : H2+Cu(111)
Possibility of a complete experiment in molecular dynamics
Relaxation of photoexcited Na3F
Role of quadratic and cubic spectral phases in ladder climbing with ultrashort pulses
The nature of alkanethiol self-assembled monolayer adsorption on sputtered gold substrates
Theoretical absorption spectra and conformational changes in ground and excites states of Na3F
Ultrafast excited state dynamics of the Na3F cluster : Quantum wave packet and classical trajectory calculations compared to experimental results
Vibrational relaxation of photoexcited Na3F
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