The variable temperature cryogenic 22 pole traps have found many applications from fundamental physics to astrophysics. The lowest attainable temperature, around 4 K, allows the confinement of cold ions and is low enough to be used to attach He, Ne to the ions of interest. The tunable radiation (from GHz to UV) can be used to influence the stored ions (or complexes) and many action spectroscopic schemes are possible. At the same time, different gases can be admitted to the trap volume during the experimental sequence, allowing the reactivity studies and determination of ion molecule reaction rate coefficients. More recently, the chemical probing and laser probing can be used to make the studies inside the trap isomer specific. The talk will focus on few systems studied at FELIX laser, e.g., C5H5+/-, and on indenyl (C9H7+/-) cation and anion and fluorenyl anion (C13H9-), and systems studied in 22 pole trap in Garching, e.g., isomer sensitive studies of HCN+/HNC+ and HCO+/HOC+.