Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier - Bat. 3R4 - 118 route de Narbonne - 31062 Toulouse Cedex 09 - France

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Non-Abelian geometric transformations in a cold Fermionic strontium gas

Séminaire LCAR mercredi 13 février 10h
Salle de séminaire IRSAMC - Bât 3R1b4

Non-Abelian geometric transformations in a cold Fermionic strontium gas

David Wilkowski

Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore, 117543 Singapore, Singapore.

Title : Non-Abelian geometric transformations in a cold Fermionic strontium gas

Abstract :
Topology, geometry, and gauge fields play key roles in quantum physics as exemplified by fundamental phenomena such as the Aharonov-Bohm effect, the integer quantum Hall effect, the spin Hall, and topological insulators. The concept of topological protection has also become a salient ingredient in many schemes for quantum information processing and fault-tolerant quantum computation. The physical properties of such systems crucially depend on the symmetry group of the underlying holonomy.
In this talk, I will present some recent work on a laser-cooled gas of Fermionic strontium atoms coupled to laser fields through a 4-level resonant tripod scheme [1]. By cycling the relative phases of the tripod beams, we realize non-Abelian SU(2) geometrical transformations acting on the dark-states of the system and demonstrate their non-Abelian character. We also reveal how the gauge field imprinted on the atoms impact their internal state dynamics. It leads to a new thermometry method based on the interferometric displacement of atoms in the tripod beams.
[1] F. Leroux, K. Pandey, R. Rebhi, F. Chevy, C. Miniatura, B. Gremaud, and D. Wilkowski, Nature Communications 9, 3580 (2018)