Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier - Bat. 3R4 - 118 route de Narbonne - 31062 Toulouse Cedex 09 - France

Accueil > Pages personnelles > Nadine Halberstadt

Nadine Halberstadt

Research interests

Quantum, classical and mixed description of energy transfer processes in molecular dynamics, and the influence of an environment (quantum clusters like helium droplets, clathrates hydrates).

Quantum clusters

Xth International Conference on Quantum Fluid Clusters : Toulouse, June 7-11, 2015 http://qfc2015.sciencesconf.org/

Helium nanodroplets are fascinating many-body quantum systems which feature unique properties such as an extremely low internal temperature (0.38 K), nanoscopic superfluidity, and the ability to efficiently cool and aggregate embedded species together with chemical neutrality.
Therefore, they are widely used as nearly ideal matrices for high resolution spectroscopy of isolated atoms and molecules, and a very cold ``nano-reactor’’ for chemical or photochemical and photophysical processes.